Hacking v/s Cracking | Fake mail | Fake call

Difference between Hackers and Crackers:

Hacking word come from “Hacksaw” word and hacking does not mean stealing or cracking something or to harm anybody. Hacking means knowing about new things or taking advance knowledge.

Hackers are very curious and sharp minded.

Crackers are opposite of hackers and they break into the people system, with malicious intentions. Crackers gain unauthorized access, destroy important data, stop services provided by the server, or basically cause problems for their targets.

Sending fake mail from any email id (Email Spoofing):

No need to use your personal email id, you can send mail using other person’s email id. There are many websites to use this service:

1. emkei.cz
1. Mail.Anonymizer.name
2. FakEmailer.net
3. FakEmailer.info
4. Deadfake.com

If you want to receive mail and don’t want to give your personal email id than use

5. GuerrillaMail.com

This site gives you a fake email id you can use it to receive mail and attachments.

How to make fake call (Call Spoofing):

Now make fake call and fun with friends and don't use for other things. Website that provide this service:

1. crazycall.net


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